Wednesday 20 January 2016

Bigg Boss 9, Day 99: Ex-housemate Yuvika pays a visit to the BB house

The ‘silent disco’ ball task was an awesome start to the day for the inmates. While all of the housemtaes were busy dancing turn by turn in the garden area, little did they know that they were in for a big shock. To say it was a shock, might be an over statement. But, the two people who were taken aback the most were Rishabh and Prince. Yes, you guessed it right! The very adorable Yuvika paid a visit to the housemates. The moment she made an entry into the house, you should have seen the look on Prince’s face. It was like he had seen a ghost. Soon after, Prince and Yuvika were seen chit-chatting in the bedroom. Yuvika told Prince how her mother, after she left the house asked her why she had come back so early considering that her love story had just begun. All along the conversation, Yuvika as usual was seen gushing and giggling while Prince tried to maintain his cool. Finally, Yuvika popped the big question. No, No guys! She didn’t propose. She just asked Prince whether his proposal was just for the game and told him that if he had given her time, she might have responded. Prince definitely looked fluxed after Yuvika made this statement and why wouldn’t he, considering he later gave his ‘dil’ to Nora. He justified his relationship with Nora by saying that with so much happening in the house, she was the only one who encouraged me in the game. Hmmm…Now I bet Prince knows what ‘caught in the trap’ means. Before the conversation could go any further, Prince sprang from the couch and was seen running out of the bedroom area and back into the game. Face-to-face confrontation, my friends isn’t as easy as it sounds. Later, Yuvika was seen telling Rishabh how she missed everyone in the house after she left and asked him what all happened in the house after she got evicted. Rishabh, I bet must have been dying to open up his heart to Yuvika and quickly responded by saying that he had requested Bigg Boss to arrange for a dance with her in the finale because he knew how good the two would look together. Now who will win the ‘baazi’ is tough to say but after Yuvika’s statement that she would date Rishabh and marry Prince, we don’t know where the road ahead will lead. For now, the lady has certainly brought back some memories into the house. Stay tuned to tonight’s episode to find out more.
Bigg Boss Khabri

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