Tuesday 22 December 2015

Bigg Boss 9 , Day 72: Friendship status: Pending!

Kishwer baba ki jai ho, Kishwer baba ki jai ho! Looks like soothsayer Kishwer knows the housemates and their dynamics inside out! Remember how Kishwer told Salman that Mandana and Gizelle will have a huge face-off. Well, it wasn't even a week and Kishwer's predictions stand true. 
During a morning discussion in the lawn, the uncool group of Mandana, Gizelle, Priya and Rishabh were discussing how the dynamics are going haywire.And while the discussion was still going on, Mandana told Priya that Gizelle was creating rifts and fights between people. And, she was the one to influence others towards group-ism. Priya, the real mother India of the house, did not like that allegation being thrown at Gizelle and showed her disagreement. Rishabh too joined in and said, it was really very ungrateful of Mandana to put such blames on anyone, especially people who take a stand for her. He also made a very clear point across that although he has been supporting her, he is not a fool to take this to a point where Mandana will use him and throw like she did with others in the house. 
Good Morning Bigg Boss! Looks like people are waking up finally. Three of them completely snubbed Mandana and for the first time I could see a really helpless side of her. She broke down into tears. Poor Mandy! But Gizelle made a very fair point across and told Mandana that she is the one who alleges people, blames them of group-ism, insults them in front of others and she is the one who cries. Crocodile treas eh?
Well, well, well as of now, the friendship status between the 'uncool' group members is still wishy-washy and pending, but will Mandana be able to redeem the lost trust of her friends? Will she come back to once her old pals Kishwer and Rochelle? *Chances are bleak!* Will everyone including her friends turn against her? Time my friends will tell! 
Bigg Boss Khabr

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