Thursday 14 January 2016

Big Boss 9, Day 94: Rishabh refused to obey Imam's order!

Priya isn’t the only one in the house who was seen disobeying Imam’s orders. Given that Imam’s orders were extreme, even Rishabh was ready to revolt at a point.
While Priya was completing her punishment, Imam was talking to Mandana. He pointed at Rishabh and he told her that he doesn’t like this kind of hairstyle in his army camp. So, he told her to cut Rishabh’s hair.
Rishabh wasn’t comfortable with this but still he went along with it. When Mandana was about to start, Rishabh kept asking her how long was she going to cut and told her to cut very less. Mandana then complained to commander Imam and this really offended Rishabh.
After that he refused to obey the commander’s order and told him that he will not get his hair cut no matter what happened. 
How will Imam react to this insult from Rishabh? Find out in the next episode.
Bigg Boss Khabr

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